Apple News:9to5Mac: Apple iPhone, Mac and iPad News Breaking All Day
9to5Mac: Apple iPhone, Mac and iPad News Breaking All Day
In an attempt to quell the outrage, Apple released a statement to ArsTechnica saying that Photos for Mac would still support pro features, but what exactly constituties a “pro-level” feature in Apple’s eyes? According to the statement, Photos will feature support for third-party plugins, library search, and advanced editing.
This is sorta what happens when bankers are allowed to dictate the direction of a technology company. What is the market cap? What are the Q3 earnings? Who gives a flying f*ck. Has nothing to do with nothing. The money that comes out at the end of the pipe is about decisions that were made 20 years ago, not some shortsighted bogosity reaction to what a bunch of Java developers have cooked up.
Which is another way of saying, stick with your guns. Even if they don't look profitable. Not everything that makes money today will be valuable tomorrow. For example, the phone of the month.
Labels: apple vs. wall street