Apple News:Apple wants to stop, track down spammers with automated disposable email addresses
Apple wants to stop, track down spammers with automated disposable email addresses - According to Apple's patent filing, suitably titled "Disposable email address generation and mapping to a regular email account," the integrated system would work at the server level to act as a screen for incoming spam mail.
Basically, what's going on in email marketing is as follows: if you're a big American media company, you can send as much spam as you like, guaranteed that your peers (other big American media companies) will deliver your bulk mail. Everyone else, small business and (spammers) has to bow down and worship a small group of sysadmins who think they should be in charge of what email gets delivered. It's nauseating. I get so much spam from Silicon Valley companies. It's almost all from them. Facebook is especially clever. If you go in and turn off all the email notifications, they add new categories that are automatically selected. Then, you have to login again and deselect those. Then they add more categories.
Personally, I find the 3 line spam emails from the Eastern Europeans about erection drugs to be the least intrusive of all the bulk email. You can tell it's spam from the word erection in the title.
Google only recently started sending bulk email. They are few and far between and I hope they stay that way.
The big loser here is small businesses trying to manage their customer lists of less than 10,000 people.
Labels: aapl, google
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